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Exclusive Membership Promo Code*
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Exclusive Member Offers.
Exclusive Partner Offers
Win Tickets to see the NY Jets at Metlife Stadium.
FREE Video Games*
In and Out of stock notifications prior to the public.
NO spamming you Ever!
And you'll be enrolled in the UW Rewards Loyalty Program.
The UW Club® Membership is 100% Free. No trials. As long as you are an Active Member and follow us on Social Media you'll reap all of the Glorious Benefits! Follow us on Social media to get alerts about Members Only Sales and Exclusives.
UW Club® Members receive a 10% to 25% off promo code that never expires. Some restrictions apply. Can be applied to Sale items and Clearance. Code will change periodically.
As a UW Club® Member you will receive Exclusive Offers and Promo Codes from our partners (On the UW Club® Members Page not to your email).
UW Club® Members will have access to the whole store, PLUS they will have their very on page with Member Exclusives. Example: Select games, accessories, colors available for UW Club® Members Only. Non-Members not only will have NO access to these items but they won't be able to access the page.
Ultimate-wireless.com® Sponsors Events, Cons, Expos, Tournaments and more all over the Country. As a UW Club® Member you will get discounts on these events and a chance to WIN Free tickets to them!
J - E - T - S Jets Jets Jets : Chances to win FREE NFL Tickets to see the NY Jets battle the NFL's biggest and brightest stars at Metlife stadium. Plus events at Metlife stadium.
We will be having periodic Giveaways of items from the store and from partners for members only.
For our UW Club® Members who are Gamers. If you buy 5 video games during a calendar year the 6th game is FREE! Must be a active member during all 5 purchased games. Can be from any console and can be mixed and matched purchases. Excludes Special Editions and Limited Editions.
We have been a E3 Expo Alumni 2010- 2019. You'll have chances to win FREE E3 Expo Swag. Swag: Collectibles and E3 Exclusives from T-shirts to Gaming Pins to Lanyards. All new and unopened or unused. We have swag from all of the years we attended. Every Gaming Collectors Dream!
The UW Rewards Loyalty Program. After you sign up click on the Loyalty Rewards Icon. 7 points for every $1 spent. 50 Points earned for following us on social media. Loyalty rewards of $ off and % off for shopping as a UW Club® Member.
Promo/Coupon Codes not valid on Video Game Consoles or Video Game software. Excludes all Verizon Products and services. Not valid on Ultimate Wireless gift cards. Not valid on any of our Partners or affiliates products and services.